Example of a Neighbourhood
Example of a StaticNeighbourhood
$(IS_ANY Neighbourhood)
$(IS_ANY StaticNeighbourhood)
Tests if something is a Neighbourhood.
returns true if T is a Neighbourhood of dimension N.
A Neighbourhood is the most basic form of a $(NEIGHBOURHOOD).
It's getNeighboursCoordinates function takes a cells position
and returns a list of coordinate pairs for it's neighbours positions.
It must define the primitive:
int[N][] getNeighboursCoordinates(Coord).
Where N is the dimension of the Neighbourhood and Coord is an
alias for a typetuple containing int's, one int for each
dimension (in a 3 dimensional Neighbourhood Coord would be: (int, int, int)).
Tests if something is a StaticNeighbourhood. * returns true if T is a StaticNeighbourhood of dimension N. * A StaticNeighbourhood is a $(NEIGHBOURHOOD) that never changes. If a particular cell has a particular neighbour it will always have that neighbour. Also, if a cell where to have a neighbour "to the right" all other cells will also have a neighbour "to the right". A StaticNeighbourhood dosen't really add any additional functionality. All it does is having the a uint enum NeighboursAmount. *
This module defines the notion of a $(NEIGHBOURHOOD). A $(NEIGHBOURHOOD) defines what cells in the lattice that are "neighbours". Most ca $(RULE)s change the state of a cell depending on the cells neighbours. * It provides templates for testing whether a given object is a $(NEIGHBOURHOOD), and what kind of $(NEIGHBOURHOOD) it is. * $(CALIB_ABSTRACT_DESC) *