A destructor is present on this object, but not explicitly documented in the source.
Returns the pixels depth
Return the texture's height in pixels
Returns the pitch
Returns the pixel format * The pixel format is a SDL_PIXELFORMAT and the default is SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888
Retuens the internal SDL_Texture
Returns the texture's width in pixels
Lock the texture to manipulate its pixeldata * Locks the thexture meaning that the texture can't be used for anything untill its $(CU unlock) method is called * A pointer is returned. It points to the pixeldata wich can be manipulated. The length of the pixeldata is the textures width*height. The value for a pixel at location x, y can be obtained by getting the element at index y * width + x *
Unlocks the texture
A class representing a texture. A texture contains the pixeldata that can be rendered to its associated Window.
It wrapps a SDL_Texture wich can be freely retrived and manipulated