return true if T has an alias named NeighbourhoodType. False if not
return true if T has an alias named NeighbourhoodType. False if not.
Note that NeighbourhoodType need not actually be a neighbourhood.
It can be any type
1 structFoo {
2 aliasNeighbourhoodType = char; //car is is not a neighbourhood3 }
4 5 staticassert( hasNeighbourhoodType!Foo); //but this return true anyways6 staticassert(!hasNeighbourhoodType!int);
return true if T has an alias named NeighbourhoodType. False if not * return true if T has an alias named NeighbourhoodType. False if not. Note that NeighbourhoodType need not actually be a neighbourhood. It can be any type